Speaker' information

John Eriksson

John Eriksson

Director General, Euro-BioImaging Statutory Seat

Email: john.eriksson@eurobioimaging.eu

Organization: Euro-BioImaging ERIC



Euro-BioImaging is the European landmark research infrastructure for biological and biomedical imaging as recognised by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), and with the ERIC legal status (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) by the European Commission in November 2019. Euro-BioImaging ERIC is a joint effort of 18 countries and EMBL. The mission of Euro-BioImaging ERIC as a distributed research infrastructure is to provide open access to world-class imaging services, training opportunities, data management services and expertise at nearly 200 world-class imaging facilities across Europe organised in Nodes. Every researcher in academia or industry, independent of research area, level of expertise, or geographical location, can apply for Euro-BioImaging services, which they do not have ready access to at their home institute, just by submitting a short application or contacting us via our website (www.eurobioimaging.eu). Euro-BioImaging effectively bridges the biological and biomedical imaging communities and enables innovative and world-class research, thus boosting the productivity and impact of research across Europe. This fully distributed European research infrastructure is managed by the tripartite Hub, which consists of a Statutory Seat in Turku, Finland, a community-specific section for biological imaging at EMBL (Heidelberg) and the community-specific section for biomedical imaging in Torino, Italy. The Euro-Bioimaging Hub runs the day-to-day management of the organisation, promoting it nationally and internationally, contributing to the coordinated provision of services, and fostering liaison and cooperation across the broad bioimaging communities in Europe and beyond.

Dr. John E. Eriksson is a Professor of Cell Biology and Director of Euro-BioImaging ERIC (www.eurobioimaging.eu), the pan-European organization of advanced biological and biomedical imaging, with Headquarters in Turku, Finland. Beyond making Euro-BioImaging the leading gateway to European imaging excellence, one of his pronounced ambitions, is also to generate a continuum from advanced imaging of diseases states with big data from omics and biobanks using the vast imaging resources of Euro-BioImaging and active collaboration with other major European and global life science research infrastructure and data-related organizations. By combining advanced imaging technologies with other cutting-edge molecular technologies, his research team has unraveled a selection of cellular signaling networks that determine critical cell responses for human health, including activation of survival mechanisms, cell growth, differentiation, and cell migration. Some of the findings have also led to innovations in both drug development and biomaterial sciences that have resulted in a number of international patents including a recent start-up company. He has published more than 200 scientific articles, numerous patents, and is an elected member of the Finnish Society of Sciences and the Technical Science Academy of Finland.

Webpage: https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/

David Sancho

David Sancho

Full Professor and group Leader

Email: dsancho(at)cnic.es

Organization: Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC, Madrid)

Keywords:  Dendritic cell, macrophage, mitochondria, metabolism, immunotherapy

Title: Metabolic control of myeloid cell function


BS, 1995, First National Prize; PhD and First Class Honours distinction, 2003. I performed my clinical specialization in Immunology (1996-2000) and my PhD (2000-2003) in La Princesa Hospital/UAM. I took a postdoctoral position at the London Research Institute (Cancer Research UK, 2004-2009) where I found a new C-type lectin (DNGR-1/CLEC9A) that marks the population of human and mouse dendritic cells (DCs) that cross-present antigens in MHC-I, using this selective expression to target DCs for tumor immunotherapy (JCI, 2008). Our work additionally established the function of DNGR-1/CLEC9A in cross-priming in vivo (Nature, 2009).My current research centres on myeloid cells, the molecular mechanisms they utilise to detect infection, tissue damage and cancer and how this impacts immunity to infection, inflammatory/autoimmune diseases and cancer. We identified DNGR-1 (CLEC9A) as a receptor highly restricted to conventional type 1 dendritic cells (cDC1s) that could be targeted for anti-tumor therapy (JCI 2008). DNGR-1 binds to dead cells and allows cDC1 retrieve antigens from cell corpses for cross-presentation (Nature 2009). This facilitates CD8+ T cell responses to cytopathic viruses (JCI 2012) and contributes to priming of precursors of resident memory CD8+ T cells (Trm) (Immunity, 2016b), key cells that contribute to anti-tumor immunity (Nat. Commun. 2017). Notably, we found that C-type lectin receptors with activating motifs can also bind tyrosine phosphatases and inhibit immunity and inflammation (Science 2018; Cell Reports 2018; Immunity, 2016a) and regulate host-microbiota interactions (Immunity 2019). In related work, we advanced our understanding of the relevance of cDC1s in pathologies like Leishmania infection (Eur. J. Immunol. 2015), asthma (JCI insight 2017), cancer (Cancer Discov. 2016; JITC 2019; JITC 2021) and obesity (Cell Mol Immunol 2022).Our current research focuses on the crosstalk of mitochondrial metabolism and function of myeloid cells. We have shown that innate immune sensing by macrophages can repurpose mitochondrial metabolism and modulate macrophage function and polarization (Nat. Immunol. 2016; Nat. Metab. 2020). Further, macrophage function in tissues is tightly regulated by mitochondrial respiration depending on the organ microenvironment (Immunity 2023). We are also exploring the molecular pathways controlling trained immunity in macrophages (Cell Reports 2018a; Cell Reports 2018b; Front. Immunol 2021; Cell Reports 2022) and its connection to atherosclerosis. Additionally, we are investigating the role of gut microbiota and its metabolites in the progression of atherosclerosis and exploring their diagnostic, mechanistic, and therapeutic potential.

This research has been funded by an ERC Starting Grant (2010), ERC Consolidator Grant (2016), a Horizon 2020 consortium on cancer immunotherapy, collaboration with companies, including Medimmune, Inmunotek, LeadArtis and Adendra Therapeutics and also public and private national funding, including a Caixa Foundation Grant.

Indicators of quality in Scientific productionPublication number (WOS): 130 (49 as main author, MA); first quartile (Q1): 106 (38 MA), first decile (D1): 72 (29 MA); top 3: 31 (11 MA). Citations: >11,500 (>91 citations per item, WOS & Scopus); >16,000 (G. Scholar); H index: 56 (WOS & Scopus); 64 (G. Scholar). Over 1500 citations per year in the last two years.

Webpage: WOS research ID
ORCID code

Albena Dinkova-Kostova

Albena Dinkova-Kostova


Email: A.DinkovaKostova(at)dundee.ac.uk

Organization: University of Dundee, UK

Keywords:  Nuclear Factor Erythroid 2-related Factor 2 (Nrf2), Kelch-like ECH-associated Protein 1 (Keap1), oxidative stress, cytoprotective enzymes.

Title: to be announced


Dr. Albena Dinkova-Kostova’s career is an inspiring journey of scientific exploration, dedicated to understanding the intricate mechanisms of cellular defense and translating that knowledge into strategies for preventing chronic diseases. Her work bridges the fields of biochemistry, pharmacology, and molecular sciences, with a focus on harnessing the body’s natural protective pathways to combat oxidative stress, inflammation, and metabolic imbalances.

She graduated with a Master’s degree in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Sofia University, where her research at the Institute of General and Comparative Pathology under Rajna Tosheva’s mentorship laid the groundwork for her future career. She then pursued her PhD in Biochemistry and Biophysics at Washington State University, mentored by Norman G. Lewis and Laurence B. Davin, further solidifying her expertise in the molecular underpinnings of life.

Her journey continued with postdoctoral training in Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, working alongside the renowned Paul Talalay. This experience deepened her understanding of how drugs and natural compounds interact with biological systems, setting the stage for her groundbreaking research in disease prevention.

In 2007, Dinkova-Kostova joined the University of Dundee as a Research Councils UK Academic Fellow and research group leader. Her lab, at the interface of chemical biology and medicine, has become a hub of innovation, collaborating with scientists, clinicians, and the pharmaceutical industry to decipher the complex interplay between cells and their environment.

A major focus of her research is the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway, a critical cellular defense mechanism that protects against oxidative and inflammatory damage. By unraveling the intricate regulation of this pathway and identifying compounds that can modulate its activity, Dinkova-Kostova’s team is paving the way for new preventive and therapeutic approaches for cancer and other chronic diseases.

Her investigations extend beyond the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway to explore the heat shock response, another key cellular defense mechanism, and the potential of inhibiting heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) to disrupt cancer cell growth. Her team employs a multi-faceted approach, utilizing biochemical techniques, cellular models, and in vivo studies to gain a comprehensive understanding of these processes.

Recognition and Impact

Dinkova-Kostova’s contributions to science have garnered numerous accolades. She is the recipient of the prestigious 2011 Arthur C. Neish Young Investigator Award from the Phytochemical Society of North America and has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate for several consecutive years. In 2023, she was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, followed by her election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Biology in 2024, underscoring her significant impact on the scientific community.

Her research has not only advanced our fundamental understanding of cellular defense mechanisms but has also translated into tangible benefits for patients. Two pharmacological Nrf2 activators, inspired by her work, have entered clinical practice for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and Friedreich’s Ataxia, highlighting the real-world impact of her discoveries.

Webpage: https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/persons/albena-dinkova-kostova





María Laura García-Bermejo

María Laura García-Bermejo

National Director EATRIS Spanish Node, Chair of the Biomarkers platform, Scientific Director IRYCIS

Email: garciabermejo(at)gmail.com

Organization: Ramon & Cajal Health Research Institute (IRYCIS)


Title: EATRIS, a key Infrastructure in Translational Medicine, digital transformation, and AI in the healthcare system.


The Spanish node of EATRIS is under the umbrella and coordination of the National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), as mandated official representative of Spain in EATRIS, and the Ramon & Cajal Health Research Institute (IRYCIS), Madrid, as scientific leadership.

Spain participates with 15 translational accredited health research institutes whose added value is the creation of knowledge in the field of health research. This knowledge stems from within the most prominent Spanish hospitals which have access to first-hand clinical expertise and constitute the perfect environment for the translation of biomedical knowledge to the clinical practice and therefore to the patient (and vice-versa).

THE VISION & MISSION OF EATRISOur vision is to make the translation of scientific discoveries into medical products more effective to improve human health and quality of life. Our mission is to support researchers in developing their biomedical discoveries into novel translational tools and interventions for better health outcomes for society.

WHAT IS EATRIS?EATRIS is the European infrastructure for translational medicine. We bring together resources and services for research communities to translate scientific discoveries into benefits for patients. EATRIS is what is known as an ‘ERIC’, which is a non-profit European Research Infrastructure Consortium. This specific legal form is designed to facilitate the joint establishment and operation of research infrastructures of European interest.

‘EATRIS’ has been the acronym of the European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine since the formation of the organisation in 2007. In November 2013, EATRIS became the first biomedical science infrastructure to receive European Research Infrastructure Consortium status, established by the European Commission.

Webpage: https://eatris.eu/


Ioannis Trougakos

Ioannis Trougakos


Organization: NKUA

E-mail: itrougakos@biol.uoa.gr

Keywords: Ageing, Cancer, Age-related diseases, Proteostasis, Mitostasis

Title: Proteome and redox instability as major drivers and hallmarks of aging


Ioannis Trougakos obtained his Ph.D. in Cellular-Developmental Biology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece. He has worked as Research Scientist at EMBL, Germany, CBM “Severo Ochoa”, Spain and at NHRF, Athens, Greece; he was also research visitor at EMBL and at the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Dr. Trougakos was elected Research Lecturer at NHRF and currently he serves as Professor and Director of the “Cell Biology” lab at the Faculty of Biology, NKUA. He is the Head of the “Ageing and Age-Related Diseases” group (http://scholar.uoa.gr/itrougakos). Dr. Trougakos has published articles in high-ranking journals, chapters in international books; he is also co-inventor in several patents. His group is funded by private (GR, EU, USA) and public (GR, EU) entities; also, the group participates in contractual activities with the Industry.


Web page: Google Scholar 



Aythami Morales Moreno

Aythami Morales Moreno

Research and Innovation Vicedirector, Escuela Politécnica Superior

Email: aythami.morales(at)uam.es

Organization: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Title: Biometric and Behavior Multimodal Learning for Human-Centric AI in Context


With the latest advances in technology and data science, researchers can now automatically collect and analyze large amounts of data from a variety of sources, including wearable and smart devices. By combining these diverse data and latest advances on AI, more comprehensive insights of the human body and its behavior can be achieved. However, this rise in AI technology has also brought social challenges, particularly issues of transparency, accountability, discrimination, and privacy violations. The debate on AI’s role in decision-making is increasingly relevant, highlighting the need for Human-Centric AI. Here, in this talk we present the principles of multimodal learning frameworks based on biometric and human behavior modelling, with special focus on Human-Centric approaches.

Webpage: https://aythami.me

Google Scholar

Konstantinos Palikaras

Konstantinos Palikaras

Assistant Professor

Email: palikarask(at)med.uoa.gr

Organization: Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Keywords:  ageing, mitochondria, mitophagy, neuron, neurodegeneration

Title: Mitochondrial selective autophagy in neuronal homeostasis


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Webpage: https://physiology.med.uoa.gr/en/research-infrastructure-services/research-laboratories/konstantinos-palikaras-assist-professor/

Google Scholar



Anne-Sophie Chretien

Anne-Sophie Chretien

University lecturer-hospital practitioner

Email: anne-sophie.chretien(at)inserm.fr

Organization: AMU-Marseille Cancer Research Centre

Keywords:  Tumor Immunology, immunomonitoring, immunotherapies, biomarkers

Title: Where is my mAb? CyTOF and machine learning to track therapeutic antibodies in patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors


Immunotherapy using immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) has revolutionized the treatment of advanced solid tumors. ICI demonstrated a benefit in long-term overall survival, and are currently being developed in neoadjuvant and adjuvant settings as well as hematologic malignancies. However, a significant proportion of patients display primary or secondary resistance to these treatments. Immunomonitoring of anti-tumor responses under immunotherapy is therefore a necessity to develop predictive biomarkers of response in order to ensure optimal efficacy of such treatments in some patients, while enrolling others into clinical trials adapted to their immune contexture. Recently, high throughput single cell technologies enabled unprecedented insights into the tumor microenvironment, leading to the discovery of immune cells involved in ICI response or toxicity. In this context, we have developed mass cytometry panels dedicated to the immunomonitoring of patients involved in clinical trials. Notably, these panels include metal-conjugated anti-IgG4 antibody in order to specifically track ICI-bound immune cells. These panels enable to map immune populations and therapeutic targets, monitor the binding of therapeutic antibodies to immune cells, monitor cellular state following the binding of therapeutic antibodies, and screen optimal therapeutic targets for combo therapies. Finally dissecting cell fate after ICI binding will enable to elucidate some of the mechanisms of resistance to immunotherapies. In the present work, we will present an example of application to the monitoring of immune responses in the frame of clinical trials.

Webpage: https://www.crcm-marseille.fr/en/teams/technological-platforms/immuno-english/

Google Scholar profile

Antonios Chatzigeorgiou

Antonios Chatzigeorgiou

Associate Professor

Email: achatzig(at)med.uoa.gr

Organization: NKUA

Keywords:  obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), diabetes, metabolism, fibrosis

Title: The underestimated role of hepatic endothelium in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease


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Webpage: Google Scholar

Antonios Chatzigeorgiou, Assoc. Professor


Yannis Panagakis

Yannis Panagakis

Associate Professor

Email: yannisp(at)di.uoa.gr

Organization: NKUA

Keywords:  Machine learning; computer vision; signal processing; optimization

Title: Self-Supervised particle picking in Cryo-EM imaging


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Webpage: http://users.uoa.gr/~yannisp/

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Andreas Agathangelidis

Andreas Agathangelidis

Assistant Professor

Email: agathan(at)biol.uoa.gr

Organization: NKUA

Keywords:  Leukemia, B cell receptor, genetics, immunogenetics, B cell receptor, signaling, Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, Monoclonal B cell Lymphocytosis

Title: Leukemia genetics, BCR repertoire and signalling


The study of genetics, B-cell receptor (BCR) repertoire, and signaling has led to significant advancements in understanding mature leukemias and lymphomas, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Leukemias and lymphomas are characterized by complex genetic backgrounds. Having said that, key mutations and genetic alterations have been identified, including those in NOTCH1, SF3B1, and TP53 genes. Furthermore, continuous efforts did lead to the characterization of additional relevant variants, including those in the RPS15 and NFKBIE genes, which are linked to disease progression and resistance to therapy. Recent immunogenetic research has demonstrated that the BCR repertoire in CLL exhibits restricted diversity and stereotypy, indicating that specific antigens may drive the disease\\\’s development and progression. This BcR-based stereotypy correlates with particular genetic abnormalities and clinical outcomes, providing valuable prognostic information for CLL patients. Investigations into BCR signaling have shown that it is crucial for the survival and proliferation of CLL cells. In more specific, aberrant BCR signaling contributes to the pathogenesis of CLL and represents a potential therapeutic target. Overall, these findings have enhanced the understanding of the interplay between leukemia genetics, BCR repertoire, and BCR signaling, with significant implications for the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of CLL. This research paves the way for more effective and tailored therapeutic approaches, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Finally, these areas od research have proved instrumental in understanding the ontogenesis of leukemia, especially in the context of monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis (MBL). MBL is considered a pre-leukemic condition that is very common in the general population. Comparative analysis between CLL and MBL at the genetic, immunogenetic and cell functional levels have assisted in the identification of those molecular and cellular mechanisms that contribure significantly in the onset of leukemia.

Webpage: Google Scholar

Christos KONTOS

Christos KONTOS


Email: chkontos(at)biol.uoa.gr

Organization: NKUA

Keywords:  circular transcripts; nanopore technology; third-generation sequencing; transcriptomics; poly(A) stretch; alternative splicing

Title: Discovery and identification of novel human circular RNAs (circRNAs)


Circular RNAs (circRNAs) constitute a type of RNA molecules, produced via back- splicing of primary transcripts. Initially, they were considered byproducts of alternative splicing, but recently their wide repertoire of functions has emerged. BCL2L12 is a member of the apoptosis-related BCL2 family, exerting an anti-apoptotic function and widely expressed in colorectal cancer. In our lab, we aimed at developing a high-throughput approach to identify novel circRNAs of apoptosis-related genes, including BCL2L12. For this purpose, total RNA extracts from seven colorectal cancer cell lines (Caco-2, COLO 205, DLD-1, RKO, HT-29, HCT 116, and SW 620) were reversely transcribed using random hexamers. Next, multiple nested PCR assays using divergent primers, specific for each exon of the selected gene were performed. After library construction, 3rd generation (nanopore-based) sequencing was conducted using the MinION Mk1C device. Nanopore sequencing data analysis was carried out using a combination of publicly available tools and Perl-based algorithms built in our lab. In this way, dozens of novel BCL2L12 circRNAs were discovered, thus indicating that many circRNAs can be transcribed from the same gene. Interestingly, almost the entire genomic sequence of BCL2L12 is covered by sequencing reads. Thus, several circRNAs comprised novel exons and/or extensions of the previously annotated exons. Additionally, we noticed that short sequence identity is shared between cryptic exons and micro-exons that form the back-splice junction. Last, poly(A) stretches were also identified in BCL2L12 circRNAs, supporting the notion that polyadenylation of primary transcripts starts prior to the formation of the back-splice junction. In conclusion, we identified several novel circRNAs spanning intronic regions from the apoptosis-related BCL2L12 gene and highlighted unexplored aspects of circRNA biology, providing evidence regarding an unknown mechanism of circRNA biogenesis.

Webpage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ZGazpY4AAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

Natalia Reglero

Natalia Reglero

Professor Researcher

Email: nreglero(at)cbm.csic.es

Organization: CBM-UAM

Keywords:  Inflammation, endothelial cell, neutrophil, autophagy, 4D intravital microscopy

Title: Novel roles for vascular autophagy during inflammation


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Webpage: www.cbm.uam.es/nreglero

Tania García Mendiola

Tania García Mendiola


E-email: tania.garcia(at)uam.es

Organization: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Keywords: Biosensors,DNA, biomarkers, diagnosis

Title: Biomedical applications of biosensors


In this work we will highlight the recent biomedical applications of biosensors developed in the group of Chemical Sensors and Biosensors of the UAM. We will discuss the most relevant advances in biosensor platforms and their application to viral infections detection, diagnosis or biomarkers detection.

ResearcherID: E-8808-2013

WebPage: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7634-5844 https://portalcientifico.uam.es/es/ipublic/researcher/261838

Dirk Ortgies

Dirk Ortgies


E-email: dirk.ortgies@uam.es

Organization: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Departamento de Física de Materiales

Keywords: bioimaging, nanomedicine, nanomaterials, luminescence, near-infrared, click chemistry

Title: Imaging myocardial infarction in the near-infrared with the help of bioorthogonal click chemistry


Bioorthogonal click chemistry as a means for targeting nanoparticles in situ is gaining interest. Usually an Antibodies or ligand for a receptor of interest is conjugated with one click reactant followed by the administration of nanoprobes conjugated with a complementary click reactant. This type of click chemistry enables a high specificity and in situ reactivity at the target with the potential to overcome limitations of classical targeted nanoparticles in their biodistribution and targeting effectiveness. We are currently investigating this approach applying the Inverse-Electron-Demand Diels-Alder Cycloaddition (IEDDA) between trans-cyclooctenes (TCO) and tetrazine (Tz), which offers the best in vivo reaction kinetics, in cardiovascular diseases, for example the targeting of tissues damaged during a myocardial infarct. Funtionalizing antibodies for the ICAM-1 receptor with TCO and contrast agents based on rare-earth-doped nanoparticles with Tz enable imaging of the tissues that suffered during a myocardial infarct in a Langendorff heart, an ex vivo model of ischemia in myocardial tissues. This investigation thereby enables a more flexible approach towards imaging damage as a consequence of cardiovscular events with contrast agents for optical near-infrared imaging.



Alicia Lozano-Diez

Alicia Lozano-Diez

Assistant professor

Email: alicia.lozano(at)uam.es

Organization: UAM

Keywords:  DNNs, LSTM, Transformer, Transcription Factors, Hypoxia, DNA

Title: Deep Neural Network Models for Prediction and Understanding of Binding of Hypoxia-Induced Transcription Factors in DNA Sequences


Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are transcription factors (TFs) that play a crucial role in cellular responses to low oxygen levels (hypoxia). These TFs bind to specific DNA sequences to regulate the expression of target genes, and understanding why they bind to a particular DNA sequence and not others would shed light on the regulation of specific genes and their influence on biological processes. In this talk, we present some deep neural network (DNN) based models (LSTM, Transformers) to analyze DNA sequences in an automatic way to determine whether a TF will bind or not to a specific DNA sequence. These models provide high precision and scalability, which helps to analyze large amount of data and uncover patterns needed in the sequence for this binding to happen.

Webpage: https://audias.ii.uam.es/staff/

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María Yáñez-Mó

María Yáñez-Mó


Organization: Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, UAM
E-mail: maria.yannez (at) uam.es

Keywords: extracellular vesicles, tetraspanins, metabolism, liquid biopsy, biotechnology

Title: Studying tetraspanins in extracellular vesicles.


Our group research group focuses on the functional characterization of membrane nanodomains involved in cell-cell adhesion and migration as well as in the biogenesis, cargo selection, and function of extracellular vesicles (EVs). The field of extracellular vesicles has experienced an unprecedented surge in the last two decades. The revelation of their ability to transport and deliver genetic material, with potential function as drug delivery systems and as non-invasive disease biomarkers, has rendered the EV literature almost overwhelming. However, the intricate technical challenges associated with EV isolation, characterization, and heterogeneity sometimes hinder the reproducibility and standardization of these studies. Despite the predominant translational focus, several aspects of EV biology and functionality in a physiological setting remain elusive or inadequately explored. Our group has made seminal contributions to demonstrate that tetraspanins based nanodomains play an important role on EV cargo selection and biogenesis processes. Our data unveiled that the EV biogenesis route converges and impacts autophagy and mitochondrial turnover describing a new role for tetraspanins as regulators of non-canonical mitophagy and therefore, cell metabolic fitness. Our contributions also extend to the development of methodologies, techniques, and reagents related to EVs, in collaboration with biotechnology companies, and clinical researchers, advancing the use of these tools at a clinical level in the diagnosis and prognosis of various oncological diseases.

WebPage: http://www.cbm.uam.es/myanez



Sara Cogliati

Sara Cogliati


Email: scogliati(at)cbm.csic.es

Organization: Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Keywords: Mitochondria metabolism and sex-differences

Title: Molecular mechanisms of sex-differences in metabolism physiology and disease.


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Webpage: Google Scholar


Elias Manolakos

Elias Manolakos


Email:  eliasm(at)di.uoa.gr

Organization: NKUA

Keywords:  Biomedical Data Science, Digital Health, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Signal and Image Analysis, High-Performance Computing, Embedded Systems

Title: Machine Learning for detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) using wearables data


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Webpage: ORCID

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David Míguez Gómez

David Míguez Gómez


Email: davidgmiguez(at)gmail.com

Organization: CBM, UAM

Keywords:  Developmental Biology, Biophysics, systems Biology, Image analysis

Title: High-throughput three-dimensional characterization of morphogenetic signals during the formation of the vertebrate retina


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Webpage: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DKpg0hoAAAAJ&hl=en






Email: eliopag@med.uoa.gr



Title: Epigenetic Regulation of Intestinal Stem Cell Function: Insights from Drosophila


In adult organisms, the balance between stem cell self-renewal and differentiation is key to maintaining tissue integrity and function. We have uncovered a previously unrecognized role for the Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) in preserving intestinal stem cell (ISC) function in Drosophila melanogaster. We have demonstrated that PRC2, via its enzymatic subunit Enhancer of zeste (E(z)), sustains ISC “stemness” by silencing miR-8, a microRNA implicated in cell differentiation. Disruption of PRC2 leads to a reduction in ISC populations and accelerated differentiation into enterocytes, compromising the regenerative capacity of the gut. Mechanistically, our study has revealed an interaction between E(z)-mediated suppression of miR-8 and Notch signaling pathways, critical for directing ISCs toward either self-renewal or differentiation. Our findings introduce an epigenetic layer to the regulation of ISC fate, underscoring the relevance of chromatin-modifying complexes like PRC2 in tissue homeostasis. These insights hold implications across regenerative medicine, oncology, and stem cell biology, as PRC2’s regulatory role in cellular differentiation is highly conserved and frequently altered in disease, particularly cancer.


Laura Formentinti

Laura Formentinti


Email: lformentini(at)cbm.csic.es

Organization: CBM-UAM




We investigate energy metabolism as a potential therapeutic target in pathology. Using models of mitochondrial dysfunction (mice with defects in oxidative phosphorylation, LowOXPHOS; mice with impaired fatty acid oxidation, LowFAO), we study how environmental factors (age, sex, diets) affect metabolism at the cellular, tissue, and organism levels, identifying new mitochondrial aspects that limit cellular homeostasis.

Webpage: CBM


Raquel Urena

Raquel Urena


Email: raquel.urena(at)univ-amu.fr

Organization: Sesstim, Aix-Marseille University

Keywords:  Artificial intelligence, deep learning, medical prognosis, cancerology, side-effects prediction, representation learning, electronic health records, medical claims

Title: Exploiting social security medical claims with AI techniques to improve breast cancer prognosis.


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Webpage: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=AJ28XbIAAAAJ&hl=en




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